Sunday, February 22, 2009

On the subject of Jesus.

The idea that there is any historical proof of jesus is far from true.

all sources used by christians to prove his existence are easily refuted.
i shall list but a few.

Pliny the elder- was 12 at the time of jesus's alleged death. makes no mention whatsoever of his existence in later writings.
Pliny the younger- born 65 years after alleged jesus death, a nonsensical source.
Josephus Flavius- born ad 40, 5 years after the alleged death.
Carius Cornelius Tacitus- only proof of existence lies in christian sympathy sources. no other references exist.
Seneca-the Roman philosopher, playwright, and statesman, also lived in the prime period for encountering contemporary evidence for the existence of Jesus of Nazareth. Seneca produced a large number of writings, dealing in areas of philosophy, drama, epistles on morality, and natural phenomena.
There is no mention of Jesus, Christ, or Jesus of Nazareth in any of his writing.

-If this is true, then it's certainly curious that Philo would have incorporated key elements of his writing from Christians yet failed to mention the most important element of all them, which is Jesus of Nazareth, the long awaited King Messiah!
The fact remains that Philo never once mentioned Jesus or Jesus of Nazareth, nor does he say anything about other travels to Rome or meetings with a Apostolic leader that promoted a sacrificed "Christ" for the sins of the world.

all major scholars of the time.
not one makes note of his existence.

all good christians wanting to refute these claims do so in vain, as you should do independent research!
the bible is the only source of jesus's existence, apart from the koran, which is known to have been basically stolen from the bible.

The original texts were written in Koine Greek by various authors after c. AD 45. Though Jesus speaks Aramaic in it, the New Testament (including the Gospels)
written at least 10 years after his alleged death.

in no way a primary source.

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